Blog updated [Factory video and plum harvest]


It's finally just two days away!! What's going on?

It's a triathlon!! I'm in perfect physical condition, but this is my first time kayaking and I've never practiced before. I'm really nervous!! Anyway, I'll do my best!!

Plum harvest images

Now that the plum harvest is over at home, we are sorting the plums to make umeboshi.

The harvested plums smell incredibly good.

Plum harvest images

Although the garden is overgrown with weeds, we are able to enjoy the bounty of nature in abundance. This is what's great about living in the countryside.

Well, we have completed the video of the factory, so we would like to introduce it to you.

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Name: そう
Role: 代表取締役
Origin: 高知県
Favorite location: 高知工場・本社
Favorite tree: 庭に植えているトチの木とケヤキ
Favorite word: 革新的な思考を考えるより古い思考を捨てること