Visit the timber market


Last week, our manufacturing staff went to the lumber market to buy lumber, so I, a new employee, decided to join them for the first time.

This time, we will introduce what happened at that time with photos.

Just before 9am.

We departed from Tosayamada-cho, Kami City, where the Kochi Factory is located, and arrived at Kochi Prefectural Forest Materials in Niida, Kochi City, close to Katsurahama Beach, famous for the statue of Ryoma Sakamoto.

This market is a timber market, so there are many logs piled up in a large area. The unfamiliar scenery and the gentle scent of wood wafting through the air are exciting.

The logs come in a variety of sizes, ranging from around 30cm in diameter to some very large logs up to 1m in diameter.

Tree rings are layered one on top of the other. It makes you realize that they have been growing in the forest for decades.

At 10 o'clock the race started.

In a timber auction, the person in charge at the market first presents a price, and if there are no buyers, the price is gradually lowered until a buyer raises their hand and the transaction price is decided.

At fish auctions that you see on television, buyers state their prices and the price keeps going up, but with timber it's the opposite.

The bidding proceeded at a good pace. Buyers and prices for the many logs are being determined one after another.

Even if it is the same type of wood, each piece has a different appearance in terms of color and grain, so we carefully examine the condition and select those that are likely to be suitable for our products.

However, it is sometimes impossible to know what the inside of a log is like until you cut it.

The wood procured this time includes maple, cherry, camphor, and birch.

These trees are handcrafted by artisans and turned into beautiful furniture and toys that are then delivered to customers.

When the contest is over, We also visited a log-cutting processing plant located very close to the market.

The logs purchased are not immediately used to make furniture or toys; instead, they are first cut into boards and left to dry for about six months.

Freshly cut wood contains a lot of moisture. Drying it increases its strength and prevents discoloration and corrosion.

After a half-day tour of the market.

We are grateful for the forest resources cultivated by our predecessors, and we make products that take advantage of their blessings. Creating a rich environment for children to grow.

It was a day in which I was able to once again realize the mission of Nakayoshi Library.

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Author of this article

Name: sasa
Origin: 高知県
Favorite location: 高知工場・本社
Favorite tree: 金木犀
Favorite word: 🐈
