Name of the school | Fukunotane Nursery School |
Delivery year | March 2017 |
Target/Item | 0 to 2 years old: Round table and chairs, play kitchen, etc. |
About the school

Arco runs a daycare center in their hometown of Kochi. They asked Nakayoshi Library to provide the interior furniture for their first small-scale nursery school. When they were opening their first nursery school, the founding members, the chairman and head teacher, worked together to think about how the center would be usable and what it would be like when the children arrived.
A mix of the teacher's experience and our own experience
Semicircular table 0-1 year old childcare room
It is natural that each nursery school has different policies and childcare content. What is important is whether it is easy for the children who come there and the teachers who work there to use. We will proceed with the consultation with this in mind.

The teachers in the field have a lot of experience, so they give us a lot of opinions from the field. We listen to them and make suggestions to improve cost and usability. The photo shows a long table and stacking chairs for 2-year-olds.
Original branding Long table
Delivery examples from other kindergartens come in handy

"In the case of small-scale childcare, there are often not many children at first, so why not consider adding more chairs? With the extra money, you could use the extra shelves to do this or that." We can offer various advice.
The photo shows a popular play kitchen for toddlers and a cute shelf.
Creator's Column
In 2019, the total population of Kochi Prefecture finally fell below 700,000. The declining birthrate and aging population are accelerating, and there are many areas in the town where we live where it is rare to see young people.
Mini Desk Desk with lock
In the future, services for the elderly, such as day care services, will become even more comprehensive. We need to consider product development and services so that we can provide things and things that children and the elderly can use with confidence.
Play kitchen The first floor will be rehabilitated, and the second floor will be used for small-scale childcare.
At Fukunotane Nursery School, the first floor is where elderly people undergo rehabilitation, and the second floor is where children aged 0 to 2 years old live, creating a scene reminiscent of the local community of the past. We are creating services that will please our customers while imagining the shape and form of the future. We are also learning as we go along.
The room plates are made of wood.
Sunflower Dandelion Toilet Everyone's Square office entrance