It was introduced on Kochi's online information site, EIMONS.

高知のWEB情報 EIMONSに紹介されました。

Kochi's web media EIMONS

I was introduced as a Kochi entrepreneur by Kochi information media EIMONS.

(The following is an excerpt from the eimons official website)

EIMONS is a local media that conveys the real thing about Kochi. (Since March 2016)
We are a media outlet whose primary goal is to provide useful, high-quality information to people who live, work, and visit Kochi.

In Kochi, where there is still a lack of information useful for daily life and the local community, we aim to create a future where everyone can have access to Kochi's great information by collecting ``really good information'' that we want to recommend to others and disseminating it on the web and social media.

eimons images

Nakayoshi Library Article

Although he is not an entrepreneur, he has written an article about his business succession and his journey to the present as a young (or not) manager from Kochi. Please take a look.

To EIMONS article

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Author of this article

Name: そう
Role: 代表取締役
Origin: 高知県
Favorite location: 高知工場・本社
Favorite tree: 庭に植えているトチの木とケヤキ
Favorite word: 革新的な思考を考えるより古い思考を捨てること
