Monkey bar delivery

At the end of the year, there are things like furniture for nurseries, hometown tax donations, Christmas events, and department store events. Time passes by so quickly ** dsc_0078 dsc_0080 dsc_0081 dsc_0082 We have been receiving many orders for our products. This time... A ladder! Now, do you know how to read it? Monkey bars. Yes, I made a monkey bar (^^♪ dsc_0002 I received a delightful photo from Mr. I after we delivered the item. img_2386 They seem to be having fun playing ♪ A 2-year-old boy♪ It looks like he's using it effortlessly, it's amazing (;'∀') In fact, it seems that climbing ladders are often used in early childhood education. There are many factors that play a very important role in a child's development. Wandering around... It's true that you can't move forward unless you put all your strength into it. img_2420
For more information about the monkey bars, please see these two articles.
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