It looks like this year's materials are ready.


Aki City, Kochi Prefecture. This town faces the Pacific Ocean.

It is also the hometown of Iwasaki Yataro, the founder of the Mitsubishi zaibatsu.

Thank you for your continued support.

Every year, Yamawa Lumber purchases a large amount of natural cypress (#^.^#)


Under the blazing sun, many solid cedar planks are being dried naturally!

It will be used as a ceiling panel in a Japanese-style room.

Wide, fine-grained cedar wood! At Nakayoshi Furniture, we use it for the bottom of our drawers.

I am using it.

It originally was a log this thick.

The diameter is about 1200mm.

As for our share, yes, this whole mountain of cypress trees is ours.

The wood is then formed into boards, naturally dried, and then stored in a warehouse to further reduce the moisture content.

Approximately 2,500 boards**

This is precious natural wood. I will use it with care.

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