In between the rain


Good morning. I recently started eating one meal a day because I heard it would make me healthier, but I ended up losing weight more than I expected and feeling weaker. Eventually, people started asking me, "Aren't you tired?" So I quickly switched to eating three hearty meals a day. Of course, three meals a day is a given... (My willpower is too weak... My wife told me I'm like a chameleon...)

I took a day off the other day to mow the overgrown grass around my house. Every year, I spend a whole day swinging my lawnmower around, cutting the grass, only to see it sprout again a week later. I've always thought that the "it's okay to do things casually in rural life!" mentality is very important. However, this machine that I bought last year with determination does a great job.

Hammer Knife Mower

It's a big lawnmower. It crushes the grass in the green area in front. It cuts the grass in no time, and the area is very clean after it's done (#^^#) (It's a shame that it only runs on gasoline...)

Right!! It's convenient because it only takes about 30 minutes to do this size. It was a rare day with no rain, and it was a good time between the rainy seasons. I usually spend all my time on the computer, so moving my body in the sun like this is a good way to refresh myself.

At the Mitoyo Toy Factory

Nakayoshi Library Mitoyo Factory
I bought a new planer

The Mitoyo Toy Factory has finally gotten a new planer (a machine that evens out the thickness of wood). The previous one was frequently clogged and inefficient, so this one will improve work efficiency and reduce everyone's stress (^^♪ I'm sure I'll use it carefully for decades to come.

Nakayoshi Library

And, in between the rain, some materials from Kochi Prefecture arrived. *This year, we will be using more materials than usual. Even Nakayoshi Library, which mainly uses domestic materials, is affected by the wood shock to some extent. (Domestic materials are more expensive than imported materials in the first place.) Because of this, I feel a little hesitant to purchase a large amount of wood, and it's not easy on the company's finances, but we can't get started without this! We will use the finest materials to deliver good products.

Nakayoshi Library

We believe that if we lack any of the following, we will not be supported by our customers: good materials, good machines, good craftsmen, good designs, and good service. In order to make good products and improve time efficiency, we will continue to invest generously in things and people. Have a good weekend everyone!

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