Kichijoji store ❀For rainy days🚢❀



I'm the store manager, Kawate.

The rainy season has begun in Kanto as well 🐸

It started raining in Kichijoji today around noon.

At a time like this when it's too much of a hassle to go outside, I personally recommend fishing in the Pacific Ocean.

Pacific Ocean Fishing Product Image

With a fishing rod with a reel, you can feel like you're really fishing!

Another interesting thing is that the difficulty level is different for each fish.

The other day, a boy came to play and tried his best to catch fish ( ´ ᴗ ` )

A boy showing us the fish he caught

He shows me the fish he caught!

He seemed to be having so much fun playing with her that all the staff were totally enthralled 💕

Please come and try it at the Kichijoji store!

▼We are broadcasting the daily happenings of the Kichijoji store🏃

Please check out the Kichijoji store Instagram🌟

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Name: まいちゃん
Role: 吉祥寺店のてんちょ~
Origin: 長野県
Favorite location: 吉祥寺店
Favorite tree: ブナ
Favorite word: 唯一無二
