Blog updated [Indoor play on rainy days]


The rainy season began in Kochi Prefecture yesterday. The humid weather is also a big enemy for wood. If the wood is not properly maintained, it will warp.

Rainy days are limited to indoor play. Sitting on a changeable chair, preparing to draw. * At 1 year and 8 months old, he has become more active in playing. The table is covered with crayon scribbles.

The day of the shoot

It was the day to photograph the slanted toy shelves.

Diagonal toy shelf image

With the cooperation of a child model, we were able to take some great photos.

Diagonal toy shelf image

Today's models are the two sons of our employee, Mr. Oka!

Slanted toy shelf

Many of the employees at Nakayoshi Library are of child-rearing age, so we often ask them to help out as models.

Diagonal toy shelf image

The shelves of the slanted toy shelf can be changed to be either slanted or flat.

Slanted toy shelf

When puzzles or other items are stored, the pictures face the children, helping to encourage their ability to orient themselves around objects.

Our website has been updated and our product photos have been updated.

Now I want to add some videos!!

I wonder if there's anyone out there who's good at filming videos... See you next time!

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Name: そう
Role: 代表取締役
Origin: 高知県
Favorite location: 高知工場・本社
Favorite tree: 庭に植えているトチの木とケヤキ
Favorite word: 革新的な思考を考えるより古い思考を捨てること