It's getting much cooler in the mornings and evenings. Winter is finally here and we're wearing long sleeves now! Compared to the heat of summer, it's just right to feel a little cold.
Things should be getting busier at work, but things have been a little slow this year... Is everything okay?
Today, we are having a one-day study session on a hill overlooking the Seto Inland Sea in Ehime Prefecture. I belong to EO, a management group. Once a month, a group of about eight people gather to share their experiences, including everyday conflicts and worries in business.

It's very stimulating, and once a month I visit each member's company in Chugoku and Shikoku, enjoying the scenery in new areas.
The photography studio at the Mitoyo Factory is nearing completion!

We are currently renovating one room in the Mitoyo factory. We will have a room where we can take photos of two different types of rooms. From now on, we plan to take photos both in-house and outsource them to professionals. We will mix more furniture and interiors into the children's room so that we can propose a variety of scenes.

We've also included some cute wallpaper for overseas sales.
The floor is brown so that the hinoki furniture will look even better. I'm looking forward to seeing it finished.
Enjoying Okinawa
My family is currently visiting my hometown of Okinawa to visit relatives. It's still hot in Okinawa, so we can enjoy swimming in the sea.