On this day, I walked around the city of Bamberg.
The city of Bamberg, a World Heritage Site, escaped air raids during World War II.
The streetscape remains as it was.
It was a Saturday, so there were few people in the town.
Yes, in Germany, holidays are generally days off and stores are closed on those days too.
There are hardly any tourists.

About a 5-minute walk from the hotel is the city hall and next to it is the Bamberg Cathedral.

It's huge!!

The town of Bamberg is entirely paved with stone. When I was working on a residential project, I suggested unglazed tiles from a catalog, and I was amazed to see that they were the real thing.
The road is bumpy, so it's difficult to walk in leather shoes and cars are noisy, but the atmosphere is very nice.

Behind the cathedral. It is a square.

As you go higher and higher, you will see houses. They are all so cute!!
It's cold in Germany so they put insulation on the outside.
The sashes are double sashes and the colors are nice.

I took a photo of what was probably a private house because the door was so stylish. Sorry (;∀;)

Apparently there is a cathedral up the hill, but it was closed on the day we visited.
We grabbed some takeaway coffee at the top and then headed back the way we came. It's a fun town just to walk around.

Any background is picturesque. Even though I'm from Okinawa, I forget the cold and walk energetically. I'm glad...

When you go down to the town, there are cafes and supermarkets.

Also stop by the local supermarket.

The road in front of the hotel is lined with restaurants and general stores.

There was a crowd in front of a famous smoked beer shop.
Everyone is drinking beer outside.
The taste is that of smoked food. I only had one glass, but I ended up preferring the taste of regular beer after all (lol).

And today's lunch is at this German local restaurant.

The very small shop was packed with customers.
This trip was also for work so I only had one day to sightsee.
It wasn't as cold as I thought it would be, maybe around 3 degrees.
It is a comfortable place to spend time. Also, just walking around the streets of Bamberg is
It will be the best trip.
I will work hard this year so that I can come again next year.