A lovely gift from a customer


A customer who often comes to our Kobe store.

He always wears a hat and drops by on his way home from work.

When I told them that the second floor of the store will soon be a picture book section,

The next day, he gave me a picture book as a gift.

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"There is a phone on top of the mountain.

Someone came today too.

No lines connected

To talk on the phone...

It's a story that really touches your heart.

I read it alone after closing time and cried. Lol

Even in this age where you can connect with anyone, anywhere, anytime with your mobile phone,

There's something I want to tell you

There are some things that I can't tell you anymore.

I'm sure there are many people who feel the same way .

We live in an age where mobile phones allow us to connect with anyone, anywhere, anytime,

To digest the feelings that I can no longer express,

Maybe I'm just not that good at it.

Tomorrow marks nine years since the Great East Japan Earthquake.

It seems that "Wind Telephone" is a picture book that was written at that time.

* * * *

To the children who come to the store

A wooden toy called "Telephone Booth" is popular.

It may be a toy, but to children it's the real thing.

In the world of creativity, it really can connect anywhere.

When I see them like that, I feel that children are amazing .

No matter how old you are, no matter what era you live in,

I want to keep that wide world in my heart .

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