Hello. It's lunch time at the Mitoyo Toy Factory today. We suppressed the urge to gather around the lunchbox and ate outside in the breeze, more than 2 meters apart. But it's nice to have lunch together like this sometimes.

Thank you to Mai, the registered dietitian who made the lunches. She prepared the lunches the day before and started making them at 5am this morning. They are the source of energy for everyone.

I heard a talk on TV yesterday about coexisting with viruses, and it really made me realise how important it is to build a body that can withstand viruses. Even if not every day, it's important to eat vegetables and avoid instant foods on a daily basis. That being said, it's difficult at the moment, but I want my employees to stay healthy and work for as long as possible.

The courtyard of the Mitoyo Factory is spacious. Everyone is eating apart.
Well, this year, all the events we had planned have been postponed, and new business ventures have also come to a halt. However, we will prioritize the things that our customers are waiting for.

We will rent wooden toys and play equipment for the kids' room of a dentist in Kobe. You can teach them how to brush their teeth while playing. We are currently developing a set. It is an ice candy and a toothbrush.
There is a possibility that the opening will be postponed, but I am looking forward to seeing the finished product (^^♪