I forget documents at home and go back to get them, and I make the same mistake several times a year of leaving my cell phone behind. I wonder if it's just my personality or not.

Today, we are holding a reservation business meeting for nursery teachers at the Hotel Okura Kobe. We had nursery teachers from Kobe City come to visit us. *The store is long and narrow, but most small nurseries are around this size. So it's easy to imagine what it's like. We'll be staying there until tomorrow, so please feel free to come and visit us.
It's busy season at the toy factory.

Today we bring you photos of the production process at the Mitoyo Factory. At the Mitoyo Toy Factory, there is a bookshelf lined with recommended books brought by employees. The bookshelf is the same one that was previously used at this school. It has a good taste and atmosphere. You can see everyone's inclinations.

Today's lunch is at the Hotel Okura employee cafeteria. Beef stroganoff and salad. It's the first time I've ever eaten something with fancy English writing. See you next time.