Let's get started


It's colder than ever today. Momo the goat was shivering in his shed. Even though he has fluffy fur, he's sensitive to the cold.

Well, next week I have an exhibition in Tokyo.

Nakayoshi Library Exhibition
Nakayoshi Library Hamamatsucho Exhibition

This is a standalone exhibition by Nakayoshi Library. You can also participate on the day, so please come along. Details are here

As we approach the end of the year, there is a lot of clerical work to do, such as year-end gifts and New Year's cards. Even though we are a small company, we have connections with many people, so there is a lot to do. I think about things like what to give to people who have helped me, and what to give to them because they have many children.

And it's about time I started...

I was thinking about remaking old furniture.

Starting today, we will begin taking measurements and selecting materials in earnest.

Apparently the dimensions of the drawers are all slightly different. I have a feeling it will be difficult to remake.

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