

When you belong to any organization, you feel that communication between members is essential to get the job done as one. Why do you do this job? Where do you set your goal? Who do you consult if you have a problem? How will you grow through this project? Sometimes, if you don't tell the other person even private information, they will think you're not motivated. It's difficult. Communication.

Small and medium-sized enterprises have diverse work roles and require a wide range of knowledge. If you can only do accounting, manufacturing, and sales, you will not be able to meet the diverse and changing needs of your customers.

Salespeople need accounting knowledge, and even if you work on the web, you need to be able to do the ABCs of manufacturing and even if you work in manufacturing, you need to be able to develop new products and control the line. I feel that unless each person can perform well in the limited time they have, things will get tougher in the future.


Momo the goat is helping our home by weeding!

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