Good evening. The summer heat is still strong and it's hot every day. Today I went to a nursery school in Kagawa Prefecture to adjust the doors.

I turned 33 this year and I am in very good health.
But!! The other day, I got stung on my butt by something after I was mowing the grass.
What is it? A mosquito? Oh well. It'll disappear soon (which is the worst thing, by the way).
Two days later, the area where I was stung started to become extremely itchy.
The lymph nodes in my left hip joint are becoming completely swollen (゚Д゚)!!!
This is bad...
Thinking back, in August alone, I was bitten once by a centipede, many times by mites, once by a bee, and once by a mosquito... I'm quite popular with insects, so it seems I caught the virus somewhere.
I also feel tired and have a fever. Should I go to the hospital?
So I rushed to Kobe City Hospital in the middle of the night.
The result was "It's a virus"...
That's right.
Working in the fields... Were you exposing your skin?
. . . Yes. I was wearing short sleeves, shorts, and sandals. (These are a big no-no.)
First off, I'll take some blood.
. . . And two days later, I recovered. My body was infected by the virus.
We finally managed to win. I'm glad that nothing serious happened.
Please be careful of insects. When mowing the grass, wear long sleeves and long pants.
That's the story of everyday life in the countryside.