It was a health check.


Today is my health check. I'm healthy and don't have to go to the hospital, but I might need to go someday. To avoid that, I want to take good care of my body while I work. I'm 34 years and 9 months old, and this year I had my first barium test.

They put something like soda into my stomach, washed it down with something like yogurt, and when I was full they said, "Okay, drink the rest too."...Seriously...In the end, I was made to drink it all, then lie down on a rotating platform and was spun from top to bottom for about 15 minutes...It was a bit of an attraction.

I don't want to go again next year... (lol) That's what I thought today. Health is the most important thing. I can do my best for the whole year♪

Kobe store

Well, the Christmas art performance stand we are planning to do this weekend is finished. It is 290cm tall. You can see how big it is when you see it next to Mr. Kawazoe and Mr. Fujioka from the Kobe store (^^♪ I'm looking forward to this weekend.

Of course, we will be taking all possible measures against COVID-19, and we will be making everything we can ourselves, and although it will be a low-budget event, we hope to put on a great one for our customers to finish off the final year of the year☆Please look forward to it**

Introducing posts from our customers

Today we're introducing some posts from our customers!

Nakayoshi Library

A photo from Mr. Y in Yamagata Prefecture of his child with a movable shelf ☆ Is he trying to take something out? (^^♪ It makes you want to cheer him on, saying, "Cheer up, heer, do your best!" It's a heart-warming photo. Thank you for posting, Mr. Y.

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