Garden maintenance


Hello. Today, on Sunday, I finally had time to take care of my home, so I'm mowing the grass and taking care of the garden. The weeds just won't go away, so I had no choice but to use herbicides... That thought crossed my mind, but since coexistence with nature is a company policy, I'm going to find a way to solve the problem without relying on chemicals.

Today, I will fill the gravel road with nutritious soil in the direction that I want the grass to grow. At this time of year, we will probably see weeds sprouting the day after tomorrow.

I also learned how to make a ridge path from a natural gardening professional, and apparently you just walk on it every day. . Really? Yes. That's all it takes to crush the grass and prevent it from growing, creating a ridge path. I'll be riding my bike through here starting tomorrow morning. Even though I'm in a field. . . (laughs)

Right now, I'm really motivated to create a natural garden with lots of shade.

Let's do our best to continue

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