Hello. Today is the start of a new week. I was able to fully refresh myself during my day off, so I feel light today.
Today I went to a shopping mall in Matsuyama city called Emifull Matsumae .
It takes less than two hours by car from Kochi. It's inconvenient to go outside the prefecture from Kochi.

There are so many different shops and it's so big!
This time, I visited the site of a nursery school that will be opening in April.

From here, the interior will change completely with the wooden furniture from Nakayoshi Library. It seems like a good idea to use furniture to divide the room in a small nursery school.

By the way, we are also planning to remove this wall. It will be a room with a wide view and a sense of openness.

Our production is fully booked until April. We have to rack our brains every day to think about how we can deliver high-quality products as quickly as possible. We need to be able to respond to our customers' current needs as quickly as possible.