Good evening. I can't stop coughing due to the aftereffects of COVID-19. When I try to hold it in with my throat, I end up making a weird "Ogyo" sound. I wonder when it will go away.
Preparing for a new project

For the past year or so, Nakayoshi Library has been holding online and on-site workshops.
An online workshop you can enjoy at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Anyone can make cute products at home with just wood glue and sandpaper.

And finally, 12 months' worth of super cute products are ready!

January is the month of the zodiac figurine Usako

From now on, we will gradually start creating the product pages. The sales period for the January zodiac sign will be one month from November to December.

This time, we will be offering a special annual contract plan where you can have a workshop kit delivered to your home every month. From now on, we will be releasing cute goods for each month, so please look forward to it.