The event was decided through casual conversation.


It was a warm day today. When I went to pick up my board at a toy factory in Kagawa Prefecture, I met members of the outdoor club chatting around the fire. We enjoyed the warm weather, chatting in a circle, and spending a relaxing time together. Everyone was very interested in the chairman's story about mountains.

During the conversation, it was decided that a workshop called "Let's make a rubber band gun!" would be held, which was being run by newcomer Harada-san (^^♪ Perhaps it is only by having time to chat like this that everyone's ideas can be realized. The topics we talked about were endless, including wood, workshops, factory layouts, and events. Thank you for a fun time.

I'm making a kitchen out of chestnut wood.

In the afternoon, we brought back chestnut wood from the toy factory and went to Aki City in Kochi. We will deliver a residential wall construction and kitchen using chestnut wood in March. Chestnut wood looks very beautiful when oiled. *Today, we asked the customer to create an image of the prototype wall construction, and then we will work out the details from there. This time, the wall construction is made of Okinawa stone and chestnut wood. So, what will the finished product look like?

Nakayoshi Library
Nakayoshi Library

By the way, the chestnut wood used this time was sourced from Tachibana Shoten in Osaka. I met Tachibana-san on a woodworking expedition to Fukui some time ago. They can also accommodate small size orders, which is very helpful (^^♪ They mainly use chestnut wood for construction and supply materials for houses and stores. If you're interested, please take a look *I will include a link.

Miyagawa Joinery Aki City
We asked Miyagawa Joinery in Aki City to make the pieces.

Baby set featured in article

And lastly, we would like to introduce an article written by a customer about the baby set. It explains how good natural wooden toys are for babies. It is written in a very easy-to-understand way, so please take a look . The article was written by Nakajima, a marine biologist.

Well then, have a great weekend everyone! See you next time!

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