Regardless of the coronavirus, the grass in my garden keeps growing, so I mowed it on Sunday. I finally replaced my old lawnmower, which was in good condition, so my arms and back are sore.
Today from the Mitoyo Factory. Mr. Nagaoka doesn't have much time to make things, so Mr. Kawazoe is using the jigsaw to implement Mr. Nagaoka's ideas.

A new dinosaur series!! We need to consider the strength of the products before commercializing them, but they are not often seen, so I'm sure there will be many people who want them♪
I wonder if it will arrive in time for this week's "Stay Home Sale"... Everyone, look forward to it☆

Mai made Okinawa soba for lunch today. The koregusu (chili peppers pickled in awamori) is homemade. It's very spicy. The side dish is koubuirichi (fried kelp).
There's only a little bit left of today. I'll do my best♪