The cool low table is finally on sale!

なかよしライブラリー 大人子どもローテーブル
The other day, I briefly introduced it on my blog.
Low tables for adults and children are finally on sale.
The rare red and white flesh of the shurizakura creates a striking contrast.
It turned out really nice.
Nakayoshi Library Adult and Child Low Table

Of course, children can use it too, and the convertible chair can be stored away, but personally I would like adults to use this table as well.

It feels heavier and more luxurious than it looks.

Nakayoshi Library Adult and Child Low Table

Place it in front of the TV in the living room, sit on the sofa and drink coffee.

This low table is perfect for reading on long autumn nights and can be used in a variety of situations.

Each table has a different color and pattern, so it is sure to become a special, one-of-a-kind table for each customer.

Nakayoshi Library Adult and Child Low Table

Adult and child low table

If you have any questions about tables, please feel free to contact us.

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Name: sachi
Role: カスタマーサービス
Origin: 高知
Favorite location: 高知工場・本社
Favorite tree: かえで さくら
Favorite word: ありがとう