Corporate Sales HK Previous job: Car dealership manager

法人営業 H.K 前職:カーディーラー店長

Q: What year did you join the company and why?

Q: When do you feel a sense of accomplishment?

We hold numerous meetings with our customers to create products. When we deliver the product that the customer is looking for, they are very happy. And when those customers become repeat customers (Nakayoshi fans), that is what makes our job rewarding.

Q: Message to those considering joining the company

You may have the impression that sales jobs are tough, but the products that Nakayoshi Library delivers are wooden toys, children's furniture, and nursery furniture. There are always children on the other side of the customers we negotiate with. Let's deliver Nakayoshi Library products together for the rich growth of children.

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Author of this article

Name: こうちゃん
Role: 東日本の営業とその他いろいろ~
Origin: 高知県香美市香北町
Favorite location: 高知工場・本社
Favorite tree: 欅(ケヤキ)
Favorite word: 人事を尽くして天命を待つ
