Manufacture and direct sale of wooden toys and children's furniture
高知でも雪景色 おはようございます。先週の3連休は高知でも寒波が到来。香美市周辺でも5cmく...
ハウスメーカーのキッズルーム まだ寒い日が続くので、我が家では毎朝薪ストーブ前に薪を大量に準備...
広島県府中市へ 今日は娘が「釣りに行く~」と言っていたので何かと思ったら近所の幼稚園の釣り大...
Last week, our manufacturing staff went to the...
Thank you for the many submissions during the ...
Around July, we received an order for a large ...
Well, the large and powerful Typhoon No. 10 is...
Since the morning drama "Anpan" set in Kami Cit...
Hello. I'm sure many of you will be celebrat...
It's just too hot... It's really tough, especi...
Tomorrow I have been given the rare opportunit...
It seems that Anpanman came to Kami City. Th...